![]() グランヴィル(ジャン=イニャス=イジドール・ジェラ-ル) (1803-1847) 『もう一つの世界』「第14章 マリオネットのルーヴル」より《展示画廊》 1844 GRANDVILLE (Jean-Ignace-Isidore Gérard) An Exhibition Gallery (Un autre monde, "chapter XIV The Marionettes' Louvre") 1844 |
Cf., | 中村俊春、「まえがき 芸術家-展覧会-公衆」、『西洋美術研究』、no.10、2004.1:「特集 展覧会と展示」、p.8 / 図4 Introduction and commentary by Stanley Appelbaum, Bizarreries of Fantasies of Grandville. 266 Illustrations from "Un autre monde" and "Les Animaux", DoverPublications, INC.,New York, 1974, p.4, p.35 / pl.43 Wolfgang Kemp, "A Shelter for Paintings. Form and Functions of 19th-Centuey Frames", Eva Mendgen ed., In Perfect Harmony. Picture + Frame 1850-1920, Van Gogh Museum / Kunstforum Wien, Waanders Uitgevers, Zwolle, 1995, p.16 / fig.2 Douglas Crimp, "This is not a museum of art", On the Museum's Ruins, The MIT Press, Cambridge and London, 1993/1995, p.213 |
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